Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Harper and HGTV Going Away

I have a darling boy, his name is Cooper. I love the name Cooper and like the whole using a last name as a first name thing. Like..Lewis, Anderson, Davis, etc.

Our girl name 'was' Harper. Well, today...I was browsing my new favorite blog (Suri's Slam Book, which is HILARIOUS) and saw that David and Victoria Beckham named their newest addition HARPER! I know, I have apparently been living under a rock, didn't even know she was pregnant. The name is going to become stupid popular now and I REFUSE to have a dime a dozen baby name.

We also canceled our cable today...due to be disconnected tomorrow...so I am soaking as much HGTV in as I can until the vast nothingness starts tomorrow.

I need a milkshake.


  1. Mmmm... I could go for a milkshake, too!! Anyone up for Andy's?

  2. Can I just say that I can NEVER EVER read those stupid codes they make you type to make sure you are not a robot?!! It always takes me at least 5 or 6 tries to get it right!!! Grrr......
